Shartsis Friese’s antitrust attorneys prosecute and defend high-stakes antitrust and unfair competition claims under the Sherman Act, the Cartwright Act and other federal and state acts related to unfair competition.  We fully understand today’s complex antitrust issues, as well as the increasingly intricate relationships among corporations in the global economy.  As a leader in antitrust and unfair competition law, we offer guidance that incorporates the most recent law concerning distribution, mergers and IP licensing issues, and alleged abusive conduct by companies with market power. We also frequently help clients resolve complex issues at the intersection of antitrust and intellectual property laws.

Our broad experience includes price fixing, market allocation, monopolization, tie-ins, refusals to deal, mergers and acquisitions and price discrimination.  We also have extensive experience handling cases under California’s Business & Professions Code Section 17200, including prosecuting and defending unfair competition cases arising from the misappropriation of trade secrets and solicitation of employees.

On the transactional side, we provide antitrust and trade regulation advice in connection with specific transactions and trade practices to market leaders in diverse industries.  We routinely advise clients about specific agreements to comply with the Sherman Act, Robinson Patman Act, Clayton Act and other antitrust laws.  We also advise clients regarding Hart Scott Rodino compliance and product distribution and dealer termination issues.