Welcome to Shartsis Friese Intellectual Property Insights. Fair Use. Alice. Force Majeure. IPR. B&B Hardware. Standard Essential Patents. PII. Office Actions. At Shartsis, we know there is a lot of buzz out there about intellectual property law and we know how easy it is to get lost in the seemingly ever-changing landscape of key cases, acronyms, and legal doctrines. We also know that the Internet is not lacking for blogs covering all things IP.
We are launching this site in the hope that we can provide clients and non-clients, lawyers and non-lawyers, with some clarity and insight amid all the noise and overburdened inboxes. We will sift through the latest news, trends, and topics in intellectual property law in order to focus on practical advice and the most important issues facing our clients and fellow practitioners. We will cover topics ranging from key provisions in technology licensing agreements to frequently asked branding questions to the latest rulings from the Patent Trial and Appeal Board.
Of course, nothing on this site constitutes legal advice. If you have any questions regarding any content on this site or any legal issue, you should contact a member of the Shartsis Friese Intellectual Property group listed on our firm website.
Again, welcome. We look forward to becoming a site you return to.